Balancing Legacy and Modernity. Bárbara Monteiro’s Journey with Mainova

Starting Mainova has taught me that I'm capable of far more than I ever imagined, and it's been incredibly empowering to see what I can achieve when I set my mind to it. I've always considered myself determined and driven, but navigating the challenges of establishing a brand in the competitive wine and olive oil industry has pushed me to new limits.
Barbara Monteiro

What inspired you to leave your successful career in the communication industry and venture into winemaking and olive oil production?

I was inspired to leave my career in the communication industry and venture into winemaking and olive oil production because of my deep connection to my family’s legacy. Hearing my grandparents’ and parents’ stories and seeing their dedication to the land sparked something within me, igniting a passion for continuing this project and preserving our family’s heritage. The opportunity to work with the land, to cultivate vineyards and olive groves, and to create something tangible and authentic resonated deeply with me. It felt like a calling, a chance to connect with nature and to contribute to something meaningful. So, I took the leap, embracing this new journey with enthusiasm and determination to uphold our family’s tradition while also looking towards the future of Mainova.

What is it about the Alentejo region and its unique ecosystem that you felt had potential for your brand, Mainova?

The Alentejo region holds a special place in my heart, and I saw tremendous potential for Mainova in its unique ecosystem. The region’s rich history of winemaking and olive oil production, combined with its diverse terroir and microclimates, offered an ideal environment for cultivating high-quality grapes and olives. The vast expanses of rolling hills and fertile plains provided the perfect backdrop for our vineyards and olive groves to thrive. Additionally, the Alentejo’s reputation for producing exceptional wines and olive oils made it an attractive location for establishing our brand. I felt deeply connected to the land and its potential to produce world-class products, and I knew that Mainova could make a significant impact in the region while also showcasing its natural beauty to the world.


Mainova Alentejo
Mainova Alentejo


How would you describe the balance between honoring centuries-old traditions and embracing innovation at Mainova? How does this reflect in your products?

At Mainova, we aim to strike a balance between centuries-old traditions and innovation. We honor traditional production techniques while embracing modern methods to meet current needs. This is reflected in our products, which combine traditional practices with innovative approaches, resulting in high-quality products that preserve the history and heritage of the Alentejo region.

As a mother of two young kids, how do you navigate the challenges of parenthood along with the responsibilities of running Mainova? Has this journey changed your perspective on work-life balance?

Navigating parenthood along with the responsibilities of running Mainova has been both rewarding and demanding. I’ve learned to prioritize and delegate tasks effectively, ensuring that I can dedicate time to both my family and the responsibilities of the winery. This journey has undoubtedly changed my perspective on work-life balance, emphasizing the importance of flexibility, organization, and self-care. I’ve come to appreciate the value of quality time spent with my family and the need to set boundaries to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life. Overall, being a mother has made me more resilient, adaptable, and focused, both in my role as a parent and as a businesswoman.


Mainova Alentejo
Mainova Alentejo


As a woman in the traditionally male-dominated field of winemaking, have you faced any challenges? How have you addressed them?

I’ve faced challenges, including questioning my expertise based on gender. To address this, I’ve remained focused on excellence, built strong industry relationships, sought mentorship from other women, and embraced my unique perspective to drive innovation at Mainova.

What advice would you give to women who might be considering a similar path, leaving their current jobs to follow their passions?

My advice would be to trust in themselves and their abilities. It’s essential to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and to be prepared for the challenges that may arise along the way. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and allies who believe in your potential and can offer guidance and encouragement. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks and step out of your comfort zone, as growth often comes from embracing new opportunities.


Above all, stay true to your passion and purpose, and let them guide you towards fulfilling your dreams.


What’s your favorite part of the day as a winemaker, a business owner, and a mother?

My favorite part of the day is the early morning. It’s a time of quiet reflection and preparation for the day ahead. In the vineyards, I enjoy witnessing the sunrise over the vines, feeling connected to the land and the natural rhythms of the earth. As a business owner, I appreciate the opportunity to strategize and set goals for Mainova, envisioning the future and the potential for growth. And as a mother, I cherish the moments spent with my children before the hustle and bustle of the day begins, soaking in their laughter and innocence. Overall, the early morning sets the tone for a day filled with passion, purpose, and gratitude.

If you could go back in time and talk to the Bárbara Monteiro who was just about to leave her job in the communications industry, what would you say to her?

I would tell her to trust in herself and her instincts. I would remind her that embarking on this new journey may be challenging at times, but it will also be incredibly rewarding. I would encourage her to embrace the unknown with courage and resilience, knowing that every obstacle she faces will only make her stronger. Above all, I would remind her to stay true to her passion and purpose, and to never lose sight of the vision that inspired her to make this bold decision.




Mainova Alentejo
Mainova Alentejo

My grandmother, Emília, has been a source of inspiration with her unwavering dedication to our family project and her deep connection to the land.


Who are some of the people who have inspired you the most on this journey, either in your personal life or professional career? 

Firstly, my grandmother, Emília, has been a source of inspiration with her unwavering dedication to our family project and her deep connection to the land. My father, and his passion for winemaking and olive oil production ignited my own love for the industry and motivated me to carry on his legacy. Additionally, I’ve been inspired by other women entrepreneurs who have fearlessly pursued their dreams and shattered glass ceilings in male-dominated fields. Their resilience, determination, and achievements have served as guiding lights, reminding me that anything is possible with perseverance and vision. Lastly, my children have been a constant source of inspiration, reminding me of the importance of balance, joy, and purpose in both my personal and professional life.

We often learn a lot about ourselves during significant life changes. What has been your most surprising self-discovery since starting Mainova?

One of the most surprising self-discoveries I’ve made since starting Mainova has been my capacity for resilience and adaptability. I’ve always considered myself determined and driven, but navigating the challenges of establishing a brand in the competitive wine and olive oil industry has pushed me to new limits. I’ve been surprised by my ability to stay grounded and focused even in the face of adversity, finding creative solutions to unexpected obstacles, and learning and growing from each experience. Starting Mainova has taught me that I’m capable of far more than I ever imagined, and it’s been incredibly empowering to see what I can achieve when I set my mind to it.


Mainova Alentejo
Mainova Alentejo

How has your perspective on success and happiness evolved since starting this new chapter in your life?

Since starting Mainova, my perspective on success and happiness has evolved significantly. Success now encompasses personal fulfillment, meaningful connections, and a sense of purpose, beyond just external achievements. Happiness lies in embracing the journey, finding joy in the process of creation, and cherishing moments shared with loved ones.


Overall, Mainova has taught me that true success and happiness are rooted in authenticity, gratitude, and the pursuit of what truly matters in life.


Could you share an instance where your children gave you an unexpected insight or solution related to your work?

One instance where my children offered unexpected insights related to my work at Mainova was during our welcoming of guests at the winery. We’ve created a space where children are warmly received and engaged while their parents participate in tastings. Observing this dynamic, my children suggested repurposing our packaging for toys or activities. This idea not only promotes sustainability but also enhances the experience for families, fostering a sense of inclusion and relaxation for parents while providing entertainment for children. Their input highlights the importance of catering to diverse needs and finding innovative ways to enrich the overall visitor experience at Mainova.

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